

Create Authority Icon
Create Authority

The brand objective was to create content that resonates with Philips UV Protect range TG i.e., the 25-35 urban female audience base. Further, Philips wanted to showcase brand authority and expertise in haircare.

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Address TG Challenge

This TG is an intender and existing user of hairstyling products but worries about hair damage. The objective was to offer them a solution and break down the technology for them to understand.

UV Icon
Highlight Core Offering

The product range has dryers & straighteners with UV protection as a part of its offering with patented technology that minimizes UV and heat damage.



A 5-episode Masterclass on YouTube with the award-winning Australian hairdresser – Rod Anker – about hair care and UV protection, while highlighting the unique technology and benefits that the product range offers.


Solution & Innovation

Onboarding a hairstyling expert

Rod Anker is not just an expert but also celebrity stylist and Instagram influencer with over 100K followers. He became the face of the 5-episode Masterclass.

Leveraging long format for authority-driven content

In the age of 30-second reels, we set out to create 6-minute videos to inform and educate the TG instead of being gimmicky about the benefits of the product and haircare problems.

Onboarding celebrity guests

We onboarded 5 celebrity influencers for each of the episodes including Shibani Bedi, Bhavya Monga, Ritika Nayak, Niharika Jain, and Raunak Mathur to reach an audience of 1.8Mn.

The Masterclass

Each episode in the Masterclass addressed the problem of UV and heat damage in a different way as faced by the guest as a part of their lifestyle – from hyper styling for events to haircare while traveling.


Created Budget Icon
Created on a Budget

Created high-quality videos on a budget which are unique, engaging and authentic, the videos are at par with the big-budget production shoots.

Shorter Edits Icon
Shorter Edits

While the long format episode housed on the brand’s YouTube channel, trailer edits were released in partnership with Rod Anker and the 5 guest influencers on Instagram.

Content Variation Icon
Content Variation

While there is a lot of educational content with Rod explaining the nitty-gritties of hair care, it’s mixed fun rapid fires and banter to keep the conversation seem like a conversation, not an infomercial.

Campaign USPs

3.5x Growth

in sales during the period of the campaign on Myntra for hair straightener


people engaged with the episodes across social media platforms.

Philips Video Poster

Bringing long format content back: While shorter formats are all the rage these days with every marketing manager harping on it, we felt differently especially when it came down to establishing authority as a primary objective.

Achieved quality on a budget: Great quality at 1/3rd cost of usual 5-part series. Over 40 minutes of high- quality content produced, several influencers onboarded along with edits and promotions.

Created authority in the category and established the Philips UV protect range as an expert of hair care and a product to trust in a fiercely competitive segment.
