01.Creative Consulting, Strategy & Planning
We go beyond the academic remit of a Creative Production partner, with deep capabilities and extensive experience of being a creative AOR to our clients.
Advertising & Marketing goes beyond putting one's creative best forward. Sometimes it's the most obvious thoughts that leave an impression on the audience because what it does is solve the problem at hand. We understand this and stay focused on it at all times.
- Media and Content Strategy
- Social Media
- Brand and/or Campaign Launch Strategy & Planning
- End-to-end Digital Media Consulting
02.Digital Media Production
We are a digital-native agency. We helped clients add website URL and email-ID to their business cards. And later we made those cards disappear. Well almost!
In the ever-swelling sea of digital media channels & formats, our team of digital-natives ensures to place your brand at the latest, the fastest.
- Rich Media/HTML Banners
- Landing Pages & Microsites
- Social Media
- DCO Production
- eMailers & eNewsletter
03.ECOM/QCOM/D2C Production
Our proprietary model- Magnon Ecommerce Transition & Assessment Lab (METAL) provides strategic and directional inputs to our creative output. Combining this knowledge with our team's deep experience in building & managing ecom/D2C platforms and well-defined production practices renders a distinguishing advantage to our clients' online shops.
- A+ & PDP Content
- Brand eStore Build
- Product Explainer & How-to Videos
- Thematic Campaign Production
04.Traditional Media Production
While digital is where most customer conversions happen today, we understand that cementing your brand story and presence in the physical world is equally important. After all, memorable brand identities transcend all—formats, channels, generations, and worlds!
Be it an iconic billboard stunt or an impactful B2B trade show, our creative and production capabilities deliver the traditional, aligned with your marketing needs of today.
- Print, Outdoor & OOH
- Brochures & Catalogues
- POSM & Product Packaging
- Stationery & Livery
- Events & Exhibitions
05.Video/Film Production
Video marketing is where marketers today are hedging their bets for business growth. But to keep up with the volumes and formats needed, brands need a robust and agile production setup. That’s where we come in.
Be it a celeb-driven brand film, a SaaS explainer video, or a 15-second snackable Insta reel, our diverse team of video specialists are just a click away from creating content that can’t be skipped!
- Ad-films Production
- Brand & Product Films
- VFX, CGI & 2D/3D Modeling
- Tubing / Social Reels
- Product Detailer & How-to Videos